Have you ever heard of Kabaddi? In recent years, Kabaddi, a traditional sport of India has gained fame among the international territories. It’s a game where both physical and mental strength is used with skills and teamwork making it unique in its own way. It is a sport that requires not only physical and mental strength but also awareness of each player’s role during the game since each person has their responsibility, enabling the team to play a good game.
If we want to enjoy or have a good game, first we need to understand the roles of those people in Kabaddi.
In this blog, we shall be sharing the different players’ roles involved in Kabaddi. We shall be learning how many people are involved, what each person does, how are they contributing to the game, and how their moves tell the tale of the match.
The Basics of Kabaddi
Before diving into the roles of different people in kabaddi, we are going to give you a gist of this sport to understand the basics. Kabaddi is played on a rectangular court area, where two teams each consisting of seven players compete against each other to gain points. One of the teams takes turns, sending a raider to score points by touching opponents while the others defend. The raider needs to score points by touching opposing team players while chanting “kabaddi, kabaddi” without taking a breath.
Kabaddi is a sport where teamwork is necessary to win the game. According to the teams’ strategy, each player has a crucial role in the game. Let us tell you the roles of different people in kabaddi:
1. Raider
On the playing court, there are different people with specific roles, among them is the raider, who is one of the most interesting and crucial players. Fundamentally, his specific task is to score points by going to the opposing team side and tagging as many people as possible while chanting and coming or touching back his team side, so those players who were tagged will get out.
A good raider has the knack for outsmarting, speed, and skill while still having enough capability to think ahead of the defenders. A raider must have good stamina, reflexes, and a natural sense of timing to be successful. They also often rely on deceptive moves, such as feints and changes in direction, to outwit defenders and score points for their team.
2. Defender
In the category roles of different people in kabaddi, we have now the defenders of the team. The defenders are those people who try to prevent the raider from tagging them to score points and if confident enough in that situation, they also try to tackle down or trap the raider from going to the opposing team’s area.
There are also different types of defenders in the team, such as :
The full-back defenders are the tallest and strongest body-built members of the team. They play a crucial role in tackling the raider, therefore they put a lot of pressure on that raider. They try to cover the raider’s path back to his team’s area and tackle down or trap him to prevent scoring points.
The corner defenders are placed at the corners of the court. They usually restrain raiders who attempt to tag the sides. Hence, these defenders must be flexible and also serious in their tackles.
The cover defenders cover the centre of the playing court and are often used to back up the full-backs when they sense the chance during the game. They need to have a good block, dash and thigh-holding grip while helping the full-back. Cover defenders also are super-tackle specialists.
So in conclusion, defenders must possess excellent flexibility, strength, and sharp tactical tackling capabilities. Defenders must maintain a strong defensive formation and communicate effectively to win the raiding attempts.
3. All-Rounder
All-rounders are versatile players who can switch between the roles of raider and defender as needed during the game. Their flexibility makes them invaluable assets to the team, hence the game’s ace. They must have an excellent combination of skills of different players. A successful all-rounder is strategic in their mind and adjusts their style of playing with the situation and needs of their team.
4. Coach
The role of the coach in any game is crucial. They refine the skills, coordination and tactics of the players, so there is no stone untouched to their path to win the game. A coach prepares and draws a plan according to their team members’ strengths, weaknesses, and skills for training them to win the game accordingly. The coach helps the team in which formation they should follow and suggests which substitute member should be playing as per the situation during the game.
They also help the team to prepare them mentally for the game, boost their spirits, and create a combination of the skills of the players to have special moves against the opposition.
5. Captain
Captain is amongst the crucial roles of different people in kabaddi. A captain becomes the link between the coach and the players making swift coordination among them. During the match, every player’s focus is on their captain, who commands them whether they need to make a move with force or play safe. A captain alongside a coach motivates the teammates and inspires them to give their best during the game.
A captain has exceptional leadership skills, providing leadership on and off the field and having an aggressive as well as a strategist leader can get everything done smoothly during the game.
6. Substitute Players
Now the roles of different people in kabaddi come to an end, we have the substitute players. During the game, the teams have the flexible option to make substitutions to optimize their gameplay strategy. Coaches strategically rotate players based on their performance, fatigue levels, and strategic needs to maintain a competitive edge.
Kabaddi is one of the intense games that can wear out the player fast, hence substitution becomes an essential mechanism for boosting fresh legs and full energy and can be very vital in turning the game in their favour. So, they need to be always available and flexible in their roles according to the team’s needs and strategy.
Different People's Roles Impact on Game
Kabaddi, highlights the importance of teamwork, as every team member is specified to a shared objective that is giving their best to win the game fairly. By combining a well-balanced combination of raiders, defenders, and all-rounders, substitutes along with strategic coaching and effective leadership, teams can significantly enhance their chances of winning. Emphasizing collaboration, skill development and coordination will further contribute to the team’s growth and success in the world of kabaddi.
Kabaddi is a seven-player team sport that emphasizes strategy and coordination rather than just raw strength. Each match on the Kabaddi court exemplifies teamwork, resilience, and tactical skill. The contribution of every player, whether they are raiding or defending, is crucial to the team’s success. Kabaddi continues to captivate audiences worldwide by blending athleticism, strategy, and cultural significance, highlighting its importance as both a valued tradition and a contemporary display of sporting excellence.